Well, it’s the tail-end of 2014, and I’m writing this in bed on my laptop with a nice cup of tea. The family is out, Christmas is done and it feels like the first chance I’ve had to take stock on what has easily been my busiest year yet.

I’m quite excited about January 2015 as I’ve purposely not taken on any day-to-day work on, for a number of reasons…

Firstly, I’m getting a brand new studio built.  I’ll be blogging about this at a later date but plans are in place, the deposit is down and I’m very excited!  But there’s a lot of work to do with planning, coordinating and setting it up.

Secondly, I’ve built up a huge list of things I’ve been meaning to do over the past few years. I have software that I bought months ago but haven’t had chance to sit and discover properly; I have hardware that needs replacing; I have a list of people I need to contact; I want to update my website and write some new blogs; I want to try some new things out in the studio.  All of these things aren’t possible with a full schedule so I’ve cleared January to get them all out of the way.

And thirdly, quite simply, I just needed a break and a bit of time to myself. I’ve been doing this a few years now and as well as being exceptionally busy this year, it was the year that I went through all the sleeplessness, distraction and general stress of having another baby in the house. Ed is now 14 months old, sleeps through the night (touch wood!) and January 2015 feels like a good time to recover from 2014!

I will, of course, be back February, with a clear head, new equipment and ready to go!

There have been loads of highlights of 2014 and I’ll try and list them in a blog in the new year.  But I’ve worked with loads of brilliant new people and I’m consistently stunned at some of the talent that is out there.

Who knows what 2015 will bring? There’s no point trying to predict what will happen as 2014 has been constantly full of surprises. But, for me, as long as I can keep doing this for a living, and as long as the people I work with are delighted with what I do for them, then I’m happy.

Cheers, folks!

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