Between Christmas and new year, my wife Sarah and our kids head down to Eastbourne to stay with Sarah’s family, whilst I stay at home.

As I’m not in the studio at this time of the year, it gives me a rare four days with absolutely no responsibilities!

About 15 years ago, I remember being happy but a little bored. I recall saying to Sarah that I was ready for a new challenge. And with that, we had two kids and I started a music production business, all within the space of four years.

Now, I don’t have time to be bored! There’s always something that needs to be done. So these four days right at the end of the year are important ones.

I’m currently making plans for 2024. I love a new year in the same way that I used to enjoy getting a new exercise book in school. It’s brand new, looks great and there are no mistakes!

I keep a home-made Word calendar where I put all work and leisure appointments. I scour the internet for everything that’s happening in Derbyshire and add things to the calendar that might be interesting to me and the family.

Honestly, we don’t do 98% of the things I put on the calendar but at least I know there’s something to do every day if we want to. I love the possibilities of the new year

I also plan for the studio.

I’ll always produce solo artists and still love working on people’s songs, but you’ll notice on my website that I’ve changed the Music for Media heading to Library Music. I love making it and it’s doing well, so far.

I’ve got some new plugins, and read some articles on new methods of production. I have a few new artists to work with in the new year and will also be planning some new library music releases.

But for now, I’ve got the fire on, cup of tea made, silence in the house. I’m very much an introvert so it’s good to have some time to recharge!