No, I’m not in prison.  But maybe I wish I’d chosen a business name that I could abbreviate.  Hmmm.

Anyway… It’s been ages since my last blog; the reason being that I’ve literally been rushed off my feet with work.  And one night, at 3:27am, I stopped and had a break to take stock.  You see, when I started this whole thing, I had plenty of people telling me that it’d never work because we’re in a recession / people don’t want music / it’s unrealistic as a career etc.

Sod that.

Just this month has proven that there’s plenty of need for good quality music production.  I’ve got loads to tell you about and I’ll hopefully start drip-feeding projects through once they’re out in the public domain.

But I’ll leave you with one track that is doing the rounds at the moment, by a singer called Kezia Gill.  She turned up in February with a set of songs so great and a voice so outstanding that I was sort of flabbergasted for the first half hour.

It was a pleasure to put an arrangement to her voice and acoustic, and this is what we came up with:

I think it’ll be a hit.

By Ben Haynes